Kristofer Upjohn has wanted to be a writer since he was in junior high school. He has loved strange cinema longer than that. He spent a decade in newspaper journalism, acquired a B.S. in psychology with a background in mathematics, and blogs about movies, music and books, and podcasts regularly. Upjohn has penned and published five books previously through his one-man publishing imprint, Book Devil Press. He has interviewed several horror and music celebrities. He is at work on a second book for Stark House Press.

  • Jess Franco: The World's Most Dangerous Filmmaker
  • 978-1-944520-60-1
  • Jess Franco was a director, cinematographer, writer, composer, editor, producer and actor in more than 150 fiercely independent films from 1959 to 2013. These essays examine his career not just an artistic perspective but also with a subtextual psychological analysis as well. Profusely illustrated. April 2018.

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